Membership Benefits

Membership cycle runs from July 1 - June 30

  • Individual:  $95
  • Institutional:  
    • $240 for 3 members at the same campus established on the same day
    • $300 for 4 members at the same institution established on the same day
    • $360 for 5 members at the same institution established on the same day
    • $95 membership for each additional member
    • The person completing the form will be the Institutional Representative and will add or update their information as well as the information for the other members at their institution. The Institutional Representative will also be the one person to pay the membership dues. 

 If one of your institutional members should leave the student employment field, you may substitute another member by contacting the Vice President for Administration.

Membership Benefits

  • NEASEA membership directory, providing networking opportunities with hundreds of colleagues. 
  • The Student Employment Recognition Handbook, to support your participation in the National Student Employment Week, Student Employee of the Year, and Supervisor of the Year programs
  • Invitations to state and regional meetings and workshops
  • The Professional Development Resource Center providing resources and links to a variety of web resources, as well as:
    • Session handouts from a selection of our annual conference presentations
  • NEASEA's e-list, providing an e-mail link for members to share ideas, ask questions, and network.
  • NEASEA's governing documents -- Constitution and By-Laws
  • Professional networking with individuals in your area which will improve your own personal and professional development in a variety of fields related to student employment issues.


Erin Bishop, Vice President for Administration